The Blog

Are You a Mumpsimus?

A man who wasn’t a Christian, was probably terrible, and who I don’t know anything else about said, “There are two ways to slide easily through life- by believing everything or by doubting everything. Both ways save you from thinking.” -Alfred Korzybski. Despite what the man believed, that statement makes a lot of sense. I think it explains, at least in part, how we got this way…

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Pray Like No One is Looking

When called on to pray publicly, sometimes people will inevitably feel pressure to “knock it out of the park”. Sure, this is often a fleshly, self-imposed pressure. But it should never be a peer pressure. People asked to pray in church should not feel any social obligation to impress with their praying, but rather just pray in humility and sincerity with “clean hands, and a pure heart” (Psalm 24:3-4). And those being led in the public prayer ought to have enough brotherly charity to not care how it came out.

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