The Blog

Deep Fakes and Silly Preaching

While the people of the world are certainly concerned about their reputations, I believe it is the people of God, in particular pastors, whose testimony must be guarded more than others. What if "Deep Fake" technology were to be used in destroying the credibility of spiritual leaders?

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Political & Social, History, Apologetics Tom Balzamo Political & Social, History, Apologetics Tom Balzamo

Collectivism, Individualism, and Biblicism — Part 3

Putting God’s interests first makes it so that an individual has the free agency to do as much good as he wants. He has the free agency to align himself with a group of other individuals that also hold the same values and voluntarily contribute to it. And God will hold him responsible for what he does with his free agency.

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Collectivism, Individualism, and Biblicism — Part 2

You may have heard the notion that in America, we can have equal opportunities, but that does not guarantee equal outcomes. That notion is what Scripture drives at - each person is a free agent under God who can either make wise choices and prosper or make foolish choices and end up with regrets- the wisest choice of all being to receive the books assertions.

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Apologetics, History, Political & Social Tom Balzamo Apologetics, History, Political & Social Tom Balzamo

Collectivism, Individualism, and Biblicism - Part 1

The danger of this is that while these systems often begin with the distribution of wealth in mind (in the name of income inequality), this ideology grows like a cancer into the realm of ideas. Eventually (or concurrently), ideas simply become another currency to be controlled for the sake of the group. And you’re in big trouble if the group ever wants you to stop talking.

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Are You a Mumpsimus?

A man who wasn’t a Christian, was probably terrible, and who I don’t know anything else about said, “There are two ways to slide easily through life- by believing everything or by doubting everything. Both ways save you from thinking.” -Alfred Korzybski. Despite what the man believed, that statement makes a lot of sense. I think it explains, at least in part, how we got this way…

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Book Reviews, Political & Social Tom Balzamo Book Reviews, Political & Social Tom Balzamo

The Right Side of History by Ben Shapiro (Book Review)

…This is the birth of Socio-biology and the cultural justification of Hedonism. Nature seemingly has a mind and it does not request things of you, but rather commands, and you are not a free actor who can disobey it. In this way, Science, which is supposed to uphold reason, became the means by which reason has been dismissed.

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Political & Social Tom Balzamo Political & Social Tom Balzamo

Self-Deception and the American Left

To one who suppresses the innate knowledge of God’s truth on the conscience, wrong begins to look right, and right begins to look wrong. And they have no idea it’s happening to them. They become completely convinced that all they stand for is justifiable and fundamental to a cause they now view as righteous.

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Political & Social Tom Balzamo Political & Social Tom Balzamo

Is Intersectionality a Religion?

I found it very interesting that David French brings out this comparison, that Intersectionality is basically a religion. And they’re not without their zealots. The protests, lobbying, and activist rally’s of these Intersectional groups he refers to as “essentially, massive religious movements”. It’s simply a religion of a different kind.

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